AdvaMed Code of Ethics
Interactions with Healthcare Professionals
The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) is a global trade association of Companies that develop, produce, manufacture, and market Medical Technologies. We are dedicated to advancing medical science; developing high quality, innovative Medical Technology; and improving patient care. Health Care Professionals’ first and highest duty is to act in the best interests of their patients. Medical Technology Companies help Health Care Professionals meet this duty through necessary, collaborative interactions.
The Purpose of the AdvaMed Code & Its Cornerstone Values The AdvaMed Code provides Medical Technology Companies with guidance on ethical interactions and relationships with Health Care Professionals.
Companies should review all interactions with Health Care Professionals in light of these values and should always avoid interactions designed to circumvent the Code. The Code may be silent on a specific interaction or may not address all aspects of an interaction with a Health Care Professional. The Code is intended to help Companies make reasonable and appropriate decisions that align with the Code’s values. Companies and their employees and agents should be mindful of their interactions and the perception of their interactions with Health Care Professionals.
Click here to download the AdvaMed Code of Ethics 2020