Instrumental iJig

Our unique delivery model means one box containing everything your surgeon needs for your knee replacement operation is shipped to the hospital just in time for surgery.

3D printed single-use knee replacement instruments for each and every patient

The same CT scan data that is used to design your implant is used to design a set of single-use instruments specific to your anatomy, only used in your surgery.


The Difference?

The typical knee replacement surgery requires 5-10 trays of specialized instrumentationi. All instrument trays opened require set up, break down and sterilization. This means more time and resources have to be spent by the surgeon and staff.

About iJig Instrumentation

Our pre-navigated iJig® instrumentation comes pre-sterilized in the same box as the implant. Because they are patient-specific, they’re also disposable, reducing the need for inventory and re-sterilization.


Patient Experiences

Hear Conformis recipients discuss how their lives have been impacted by their knee replacement.

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Healthcare Professional Experiences

Experienced healthcare professionals share the differences they’ve experienced in surgeries using Conformis versus off-the-shelf implants.

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Mostrar referências

i: Mont, M.; Single-use instrumentation, cutting blocks, and trials decrease contamination during total knee arthroplasty: Journ Knee Surg; 2012

Implantes De Joelho Feitos Sob Medida

Se não for Conformis, não é verdadeiramente específico do paciente

Implantes De Joelho Feitos Sob Medida


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