Mike Eisner
When did you have your surgery?
I had surgery in November of 2016
What were your knees like before surgery?
I had been in knee pain for a lot of years. When I was younger, I did karate and I dislocated my knee once showing off like a bumpkin. And then I used to skydive for sport when I was younger- my last jump in 1985 didn’t turn out so well. I had three knee arthroscopies, and then the arthritis caught up with me. So I learned how to get by, but it was painful.
What are you doing now that you've had surgery?
One of the things I like to do for fun is climb trees. And climbing trees involves flexibility, as does yoga. And without the flexibility I’ve regained through this custom knee, I don’t think I’d be able to continue doing those activities the way I have been with satisfaction.
And I think I can’t help but attribute that to the fact that this knee is mine. It was designed for me. Nobody else. And I think that’s one of the things that enabled me to have such a good recovery and to be back doing the things I like, like yoga and climbing trees and dancing and cutting a rug.
More Advocates
Harald is a ski instructor and retired professional skier who was back on the slopes 3 months after having his total knee replacement in 2015.
MEET Harald »As a physical therapist, Kay has worked with many off-the-shelf knee replacement patients. When it came time to get her own knee replaced, she sought out the only implant made specifically for her anatomy.
MEET Kay »Jack, a high school and collegiate athlete, had both knees replaced in 2012. Recently, he earned his Fitbit Japan badge for walking 1,869 miles, the length of Japan.
MEET Jack »Implantes De Joelho Feitos Sob Medida
Se não for Conformis, não é verdadeiramente específico do paciente
Implantes De Joelho Feitos Sob Medida