PrecisionEffect and SurveyHealthcare Knee Implant Patient Survey 2018

In 2018, Conformis engaged independent third-party researchers to conduct a study of patient satisfaction with knee implants – Conformis vs. Non-Conformis.

The results of this third-party study show that the vast majority of Conformis patients are confident and satisfied with their knee replacement, and are highly likely to recommend the knee to a friend or colleague.

Additional details on survey respondent recruiting is available upon request.

To read the results of published clinical studies about Conformis knee implants in peer-reviewed medical journals, please visit



Os únicos implantes totais de joelho realmente personalizados (específicos para cada paciente) com componente femoral CR (com preservação do LCP) e componente femoral PS (com estabilização posterior)


Sobre a Conformis

Começamos com uma ideia simples: fazer com que o implante se encaixe ao paciente, ao invés de forçar o paciente a se encaixar ao implante

Sobre a Conformis

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