Betty Small
When did you have your surgery?
I had my surgery in February of 2016
What did you find most interesting about Conformis technology?
I find it interesting that Conformis used CAT scans to make a mold of my actual knee that was then inserted as an immediate fit, as opposed to having to chip away bone or tissue to put an off the shelf one in, which consequently wouldn’t really feel like me.
Since you’ve had both knees replaced, can you tell me a little bit about your first one and how it's different than your Conformis knee?
Well, the first one, I ended up in rehab. I ended up with a nasty infection. It has always felt like it was not a part of me, it was too big. I still have some difficulties with it pretty close to three years later. The left one is mine. It’s really that simple. I don’t notice it. I’m not aware of it. The rehab process was nowhere near as bad. I didn’t get any infection. Within, oh I don’t know, three or four weeks, I was doing whatever I wanted to.
How do you feel after your surgery?
I feel better than I have in many years. And that is due in large part to Conformis and the replacement of that knee.
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