Dave Lintz
When did you have your surgery?
I had my surgery in February 2017
What were your knees like before surgery?
I’ve been an athlete my whole life. I played basketball and football, and I was a pole vaulter in track, tennis, and golf. And so when you lose that, it’s bad. Within 15 years, my knees just deteriorated. I had two surgeries in my right knee and one in my left. I had meniscus tears and removal, and then pretty soon I clearly had deterioration of all the cartilage. So I went to a doctor to have a cortisone lidocaine shot, and when the last shot wore off really quickly, I knew I needed to have both knees replaced.
How do you feel after surgery?
I’d do it a hundred times again. With simultaneous bilateral, you don’t have to go through two surgeries. You go through one, one time and space, and one recovery period. I wanted to get back faster anyway. I have a passion for golf and life. And this has given it to me.
What do you find most interesting about the Conformis technology?
These are custom made knees made specifically for me. And they are made with enough technology to understand my anatomy. And I think that that’s completely responsible for the rapid recovery.
More Advocates
Jack, a high school and collegiate athlete, had both knees replaced in 2012. Recently, he earned his Fitbit Japan badge for walking 1,869 miles, the length of Japan.
MEET Jack »Irene had a partial knee replacement in 2011 after years of pain, and post-surgery she is back to biking 3-4 times a week and kickboxing.
MEET Irene »Tedd, a physical fitness enthusiast and dog lover, had both his knees replaced October 2014. He now works out regularly and walks his dog Stella 3 miles to and from the gym.
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