Take a Hike, Karen!
My story starts from a very early age of 13. I was trying out sports and found that my knees would dislocate. I saw several surgeons and went through numerous reconstructive surgeries on both knees. My sports and activities have been limited my whole life due to my anatomy. One surgeon in Washington told me that I should not become a nurse (which was my dream!) as my legs would not last- he told me to be a secretary or something sedentary. I did not listen and went on to become an RN. I worked for 30 years in that career before retiring. I spent many years on an orthopedic floor and have watched how the TKR/THR surgeries and recovery have changed throughout the years. In 2016, my surgeon recommended that I have my left knee replaced. He opted for the Conformis knee and I was eager to see how it would perform. It went extremely well and for the first time in my life I was able to do activities without pain, and without the worry of my knee dislocating. My husband and I started our adventures- hiking, skiing, golfing, camping, boating, snorkeling and many others! What a joy it has been to experience what living truly is! Of course, my right knee began to protest and wanted to join in on the fun! I just had my second Conformis placed on Aug 2. Three weeks in and I am eager to see what new adventures await my husband and I! My neighbor and brother in law both recently had “standard” knee replacements and are both struggling. I hear them say things like “it doesn’t feel like my knee”, and “my knee feels like it is too big”. I have recommended to both of them to have their next knee replaced with on that is built just for their anatomy. I cannot say enough good things about your product. Thank you for changing my life!

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